qmd®-qualified medical device, offers you a complete therapy system consisting of medical lasers, cryo-thermals, cryo thermal PT, ultrasound cryo thermal, and a cryo-thermal for aesthetics. The entire product line is characterized by a simple and essential design, built with the maximum care for every detail. Our software is intuitive and easy to use, at your fingertips thanks to a 10.1″ color touch screen display. All our products are innovative, can be connected to the internet, and are built with respect for the environment. qmd® offers you a set of unique functions.
laser therapy
combined laser-cryo-thermal
aesthetic cryo-thermo-treatment
29/01/2024 - 01/02/2024
fiere e congressi:
Fair 'Arab Health 2024'
Dubai (UAE)
13/11/2023 - 16/11/2023
fiere e congressi:
Medica 2023 exhibition
Düsseldorf (DE)
QMD arrives in China as exclusive partner of Samunlisa
clinical study publication on ultrasound cryo thermal
04/05/2023 - 06/05/2023
fiere e congressi:
Fair "Therapie Leipzig 2023"
Leipzig (DE)
17/03/2023 - 20/03/2023
fiere e congressi:
Fair "Cosmoprof 2023"
Bologna (IT)